
Bob Dylan Finally Acknowledges His Nobel Prize

The songwriter says he will attend the award ceremony, “if it’s at all possible.”

October 29, 2016

On October 13, Bob Dylan was the first musician to be awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature for creating "new poetic expressions within the great American song tradition." In response to the great honor, the songwriter ghosted the Nobel Prize committee. After removing a mention of the prize on his website just last week, Bob Dylan finally acknowledges and accepts the award.


In an interview with The Telegraph, Bob Dylan finally reveals that he was shocked to receive the prestigious award. “It’s hard to believe,” says Dylan. "Whoever dreams about something like that?” After being asked if he has plans to attend the award ceremony in Stockholm on December 10, Dylan responded with, "Absolutely,” followed by the uncertain caveat, “If it’s at all possible.”

Writer Jean-Paul Sartre declined the same award in 1964, but Dylan's silence was met with confusion and even hostility. One Swedish Academy member was so outraged that he described Dylan as "impolite and arrogant." When asked why he didn't just answer the committee's calls, Dylan playfully responds, "Well, I'm right here."

Posted: October 29, 2016