
Anne Dereaux Radiates Through Loss In Her Video For “Mourning”

A seamless visual directed by Jeremy W.

March 10, 2017

Ethereal singer Anne Dereaux transcends heartbreak in the video for "Mourning," which is debuting on The FADER today. Through mesmerizing visuals, she touches on the pain of loss and the renewal that follows. Illuminated by evocative scenes, Dereaux commands each frame in her utterly vulnerable offering about rebirth after love.


"We went very heavy [with] concept: morning vs mourning, waking up anew, but only after going through the agony of losing something or someone close to your heart," Dereaux told The FADER over email. "The mutating halos are representative of my journey through the cosmos, sun down to sun up, from being broken to becoming whole again. There's lots of symbolism, much of which is kind of fun to leave up to interpretation." Watch the video above.

Posted: March 10, 2017