
Report: Michael Flynn Will Decline Senate Subpoena And Invoke Fifth Amendment

Flynn was subpoenaed in the Senate Intelligence Committee’s investigation into meddling and collusion between Russia and the Trump campaign.

May 22, 2017

Retired lieutenant general and former Trump national security adviser Michael Flynn is expected to deny the Senate Intelligence Committee's subpoena and invoke the Fifth Amendment, the Associated Press reports.


Flynn left his position as White House national security adviser in February after it was revealed that he had misled Vice President Mike Pence and other White House officials about details of his conversations with Russian ambassador Sergey Kislyak. According to recent reports, Russian officials bragged that they could use Flynn to influence Trump in 2016.

The Senate issued the subpoenaed Flynn to hand over documents relevant to the committee's investigation into ties between Russia and the Trump campaign. He had previously offered to testify in exchange for immunity but his offer was declined.


"He will not be producing the documents they sought. He is entitled to decline pursuant to the Fifth Amendment," a source close to Flynn told ABC News.

After Flynn declined to cooperate with the Senate Intelligence Committee's original April 28 request, the committee issued a subpoena on May 10. Flynn had previously said, through a lawyer, that he would not testify "without assurances against unfair prosecution." White House press secretary Sean Spicer told reporters in March that Trump "believes that Mike Flynn should go testify."

Posted: May 22, 2017