
Childish Gambino References Twitter Meme During Gov Ball Performance

He also hinted that his next album may be the last one.

June 04, 2017

Childish Gambino's performance at Gov Ball on Saturday was notable in more way than one. He revealed that his son's name is Legend. Gambino hinted at the end of his performance that his next album would be is last, which can be seen in the second clip below. Right before he walks off stage he told the crowd "i'll see you for the last Gambino album."


He also performed Redbone, which amassed a unique fame when it became a Twitter meme, and before he performed it, he prefaced the song with some of the most famous scenarios from the meme. In the clip below, you can hear the audience excited noting "It's the Twitter meme! It's the Twitter meme!"

Gambino also danced to Rihanna's "Sex With Me" which can be seen in the bottom clip.