
Gavin Russom Of LCD Soundsystem Comes Out As Transgender

Russom shared her story in a new interview with Pitchfork.

July 06, 2017

Gavin Russom, LCD Soundsystem's synth player and vocalist, has come out as transgender in a new interview with Pitchfork. "I'm 43 and I can identify that once a decade, I made a concerted effort to make my trans identity known," she told Pitchfork. "What makes this time different is that I'm in a stable moment in my life."


Russom, who joined LCD Soundystem during the recording of their 2010 album This Is Happening, identified the last year as a period of personal breakthrough with her identity. "Working with LCD Soundsystem all last year and then having a solid block of time off to focus on self-care was really important for me," she explained. "This is what came out of that. I don’t like coming out so much as a term, but sometimes it’s the only way to say it.”

Russom is signed to DFA Records and, in addition to her work with LCD Soundsytem, records solo work Black Meteoric Star, Black Leotard Front, and The Crystal Ark.