
Step Into The Weird World Of Twin Peaks With Sound Designer Dean Hurley’s New Album

Anthology Resource Vol. 1: △△ is comprised of musical cues from the new season of the cult TV series.

August 07, 2017

The return of Twin Peaks this year was exciting for many reasons, not least the TV show's impressive use of music to compliment its distinctly eerie vibe. We've already seen cameos from Sky Ferreira, Chromatics, and Hudson Mohawke in the iconic Roadhouse venue. However, if you want to make your life that bit more Lynch-ian then Sacred Bones has got you covered.


The New York label has released Anthology Resource Vol. 1: △△, an album comprised entirely of Dean Hurley’s sound work for the new season of Twin Peaks. The library style release is the first in a series and is made up of ambient and brooding musical cues heard throughout the show

Hurley has worked with David Lynch for over a decade, including on his 2006 movie Inland Empire. He has also worked on Lynch's music albums as well as collaborating with Lykke Li, Dirty Beaches, and Zola Jesus among others.


Check out the album below, via Bandcamp.