
Kim Shui’s take on a pearl necklace is pretty regal

The choker-bib style seen on Kali Uchis makes the normally stuffy accessory look cool.

April 04, 2018

I have to get something off my chest: pearl necklaces are my least favorite type of jewelry. They have a stuffiness about them that feels overbearing and matronly, and thanks to Riverdale, they remind me of Veronica Lodge's knack for consistently dressing like the president of a Young Republicans club.


That being said, I am loving NYC designer Kim Shui's version of the conservative gem. The high-collared, bib choker feels regal — nothing short of a reimagining of something one would wear in Queen Elizabeth I's court. And it's versatile, as seen on Kali Uchis on the cover of Crack Magazine. Worn with slicked backed hair, charm-heavy hoops, and glossy lips, the pearl's traditionalism easily shifts toward the adventurous.

Thumbnail via Crack Magazine.