OSHUN's bittersweet vol. 1, the New York group's first full-length release in three years, is full of gems for anyone looking to center themselves. Across 10 songs that vary delightfully in tone and texture, the pair offers mantras for self-proclaimed bad bitches, tells stories of connections to the spiritual, and recounts testaments of growing up and gloing up. The duo, made up of rapper-singers Niambi and Thandi, trades bars and melodies throughout, over production that touches a wide range of sounds and genres. One song in particular, "My World" featuring Jorja Smith, stands out as a thoughtful, introspective piece of the pie.
Here's how OSHUN described themselves and their ambitions for bittersweet vol. 1: "We are the new goddess on the block, and we have traveled here from the center of the Earth, the land of sweetness in the 10th dimension, the Oshuniverse. We are here to hydrate your souls and empower you on your trip upward! May your journey be full of sweetness and your experience one of healing!"
Listen below, and don't forget to breathe.