
Kamaiyah invented the lavender trend


August 10, 2018

If you pay even the smallest iota of attention to fashion, you'll notice that there's always a popular color that slowly saturates the market. We're still under the deluge of atomic highlighter limes and hot pinks, but there's still some softness to be had. Earlier this year, The Cut reported the rise of Melodramatic Lavender, an off-shoot of the extremely tired and ubiquitous Millennial Pink. As refreshing as it is to see another subdued hue get its moment, we need to acknowledge one of the first pioneers of the lavender trend, and that honor belongs to one bay area rapper: Kamaiyah.

Kamaiyah and lavender go way back — her first public photo wearing a lavender puffer jacket was in May 2017, well before the color began to trickle into the different spheres of style. Kamaiyah's relationship to the purple hue feels deep, and she uses #SoftLavendersOnly whenever she rocks the color (which is pretty much constantly!). If it comes in lavender, Kamaiyah's got a version of it, and below, we've rounded up her best style moments with her favorite shade of purple.


1. Go off, Cam'ron

Kamaiyah puts her twist on the iconic Cam'ron pink fur ensemble and we can't wait to see her level it up with a matching lavender flip-phone.

2. Soft utilitarianism

Functional wear is the look du jour, and Kamaiyah makes it playful with her shade of choice and a massive embroidered "K."

3. Live to lounge

As a woman who's constantly on the go, Kamaiyah makes it her business to make comfy athletic sets look fly as shit through silky fabrics, color blocking, and more.

4. Blending in

The military industrial complex sucks, but we can get behind a lavender camouflage getup in a heartbeat.

5. Details matter

At this level of dedication, you better believe Kamaiyah is also rocking a full lavender acrylic set.

5. Stay soft

Did you think she was joking when she said soft lavenders only?

Thumbnail via Kamaiyah's Instagram.

Posted: August 10, 2018