
Tom DeLonge responds to reports that his UFO organization is in debt

The former Blink-182 co-frontman says he’s not out $37 million.

October 16, 2018

Since leaving Blink-182 in 2015, Tom DeLonge has established himself as one of the world's most prominent UFO experts. His celestial fascination led him to co-founding To the Stars Academy of Arts and Sciences, an organization with a mission to be a "powerful vehicle for change by creating a consortium among science, aerospace and entertainment."


Earlier on Monday, a report from ArsTechnica surfaced a summer fliling from the US Securities and Exchange Commission stating that To The Stars "incurred losses from operations and has an accumulated deficit at June 30, 2018 of $37,432,000." The article, which was later updated, initially postured that deficit as a debt.

DeLonge responded to the claim with an Instagram post that has since been deleted. “The approximate $37 million stockholders’ deficit is NOT DEBT as he characterized it but is attributable to stock-based compensation expense,” he wrote. "This article is highly misleading and grossly mischaracterizes statements in an SEC filing." Read his entire statement below.


BLATENT LIE — APPARENTLY, THIS WRITER CAN’T READ. BTW- TTSA never even raised $37m!!? So how in the hell did we spend it?! Lord. I ask all of you that believe in the @tothestarsacademymission to go write a complaint on their website RIGHT NOW for trying to hurt an admirable effort to help humanity by using negative attacks and—-> lies. OUR LETTER TO THEM: Dear Ars Technica— I am writing you regarding the article posted to Ars Technica this morning titled ‘All the dumb things? Blink 182 front man’s UFO project $37 million in debt’ by Eric Berger. We were surprised Ars Technica would allow Mr. Berger to post such an article without asking either Mr. DeLonge or To The Stars Academy of Arts and Science for comment. This article is highly misleading and grossly mischaracterizes statements in an SEC filing. Had Mr. Berger bothered to reach out to us for comment this could have been prevented.
Mr. Berger apparently did not EVEN READ the filing in its entirety, and clearly did not understand the excerpt of the SEC filing he quotes. The approximate $37 million stockholders’ deficit is NOT DEBT as he characterized it but is attributable to stock-based compensation expense. IT IS NOT RELATED TO THE OPERATIONAL RESULTS OF THE COMPANY. The Consolidated Balance Sheets of To The Stars Academy of Arts and Science in the SEC filing quoted by your author clearly shows the approximately $37 million deficit is attributed to Stockholders’ Equity (Deficit). The filing goes on to explain the mechanism for calculating stock-based compensation and details the various grants of stock options by the company. Mr. Berger’s characterizations of this as debt implies that it stems from traditional borrowings.
Had Mr. Berger bothered to email or call us we could have directed him to these portions of the SEC filing and walked him through it. For Mr. Berger to make the conclusions he did on incomplete research and his own interpretations without contacting Mr. DeLonge or the company is inexcusable.
We request that you print this letter in full within the article as our statement.