Boosie BadAzz unleashed an expletive-filled rant directed at American Airlines on Sunday after he says he was denied entry on a flight. In an Instagram post, the Louisiana rapper said a "bitch ass hater" at the gate refused to let him board, despite the captain allegedly saying he could. "I MISS MY FUCKING POOL PARTY YOU BITCH ASS HOE," Boosie wrote in the lengthy, vitriolic caption. "You jealous ,broke ass , pussy ass , bitchass faggot you deserve a bullet n yo fucking face."
Boosie says the cancelled flight made him miss a scheduled performance in Memphis. American Airlines representative LaKesha Brown has since responded in a statement to XXL, stating that Boosie was only denied entry after the gates for the flight had already closed, and that he was immediately booked on the next flight. Read Boosie's full tirade below.