
Scott Hardware is visited by a spirit from above on “Engel”

Hardware’s new album of the same name drops next month.

March 18, 2020

For inspiration on his new album Engel, Toronto-based experimental pop artist Scott Hardware looked to Wim Wenders's classic 1987 fantasy movie Wings Of Desire. Hardware spent time living in Germany following the release of 2016 album Mutate, Repeat, Infinity, and decided to use the movie's outlandish plot — which tells the story of two angels watching on and providing hope to the residents of Berlin — to imagine a similar scenario. “Here he comes to comfort me,” sings Hardware on new song "Engel," premiering above, “but like a fly around my head I’d sooner swat him dead.”


Speaking about his upcoming record, Hardware said: “I sought with this album to capture the film’s velvety feeling – funny, depressing, dark and mundane – in LP form. These songs imagine Wenders’ angels buzzing around my friends, my family and I. Writing from their point of view allowed me unfettered access to my own thoughts about them and myself.”

Pre-order Engel via Bandcamp ahead of its release on April 3.


Thumbnail image via Shelby Fenlon.

Posted: March 18, 2020