
Baby Keem shares “no sense” video

The song will appear on Keem’s upcoming album.

March 24, 2021

There's a lot of momentum building behind the Nevada rapper known as Baby Keem. His 2019 single "Orange Soda" went platinum, he was selected for XXL's 2020 Freshman Class, and Kendrick Lamar is his mentor. His latest music video for the song "no sense" dropped today, and you can watch it above.


The "no sense" visual comes with an ambitious, big-budget flair that's rare for an artist on the come-up. Directed by Savannah Setten, the video has strong Christopher Nolan circa Inception vibes: Keem is stuck in an urban dreamscape, either pursuing or being pursued by some kind of dangerous presence.

"no sense" will appear on an upcoming album from Baby Keem. In September of last year, Keem shared the songs "hooligan" and "sons & critics freestyle."