
Morgan Hislop and OhEm promise big things on “About 2 Be”

Check out the first release from new London label Remedy!

October 13, 2021

"About 2 Be," the debut single from London-based producer Morgan Hislop, is a breezy and intoxicating ode to good times. Written with vocalist OhEm (who has previously worked with K-pop group LOONA), the dancefloor-ready tune combines playful and inventive production from the underground with a flirty pop vocal promising "the best night of your life."


The production pushes for attention throughout as Hislop throws more and more into the mix. It's an approach that works as the minimalist percussion combines with a fluorescent beat to create something that feels formally creative while still retaining the mainstream center needed to carry OhEm's pillow-soft vocals.

"'About 2 Be' was developed over a long time as I tried new ideas, combining more traditional pop structures with this growing swell of elements," Hislop tells The FADER via email. "For me this was very much the start of a new chapter in letting my guard down with concerning myself over which genre box I was trying to fit into. I was breaking away from the formulas of club music that I had found my producing habits had become locked into. As 'About 2 Be' has grown; the song has become this great result of a friendship with OhEm through the collaboration - I will always find ideas are more honest and organic in that space. Ultimately I wanted to produce music that would stick with people, kaleidoscopic and open to going into unexpected places but also grounded at its core."


"About 2 Be" is out now via London-based label, Remedy!

Posted: October 13, 2021