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Eastern Bloc

April 06, 2005

Our cover boys have made it through to the Beast Coast leg of their tour, bringing the rock AND the controversy. After last night's gig in Boston (described by our various sources as "drunken", "fun" and "drunkenly fun" - here's some pics), they had to cancel tonight's gig in Philly because Kele's voice was strained.

Various Philadelphian youngsters tried to call bullshit on said postponment - "THEY DISSED US TO GO ON LETTERMAN, YO!" - but that emminently TiVo-able late night performance was actually filmed this past Monday, sleuthers.

As far as we know, the dudes are genuinely taking a day to stave off complete and utter exhaustion. Which is fine by us, seeing how two sure-to-be-epic, BEEN-sold-the-fuck-out NYC dates are on deck for Thursday the 7th and Friday the 8th. Rest up, partiers.

Posted: April 06, 2005
Eastern Bloc