Video: Phoenix, “1901” (A Takeaway Show)

December 03, 2009

La Blogotheque's Takeaway Shows are routinely compelling ways to watch your favorite bands play impromptu concerts for the unsuspecting public—they pretty much fathered the whole concept—but this particular segment of that show of Phoenix playing a lo-fi version of "1901" on the Champ de Mars with the Eiffel Tower in the background and a pair of newlyweds in attendance is the series' crowning glory. As they say, you couldn't make this up if you tried, unless they did, in which case they are cinematic geniuses. Watch "Long Distance Call" under a bridge and "Lizstomania"/"One Time Too Many" on a tour bus for the full experience. Coincidentally, Phoenix are playing a not-so-secret New York show tonight sponsored by I Heart Radio that you can win tickets to here if you hurry.

Video: Phoenix, “1901” (A Takeaway Show)