Video: Lil B, “I Cook”

January 04, 2011

Ultimately, the contents of this video are not that important. Lil B is hanging out in some house. Maybe it's his own or maybe it's his mom's or whoever filmed the video (Lil B directed it though so). He makes that WOOP noise and does his cooking dance. It came out yesterday and there are apparently 36079 views on the video on World Star alone. We vaguely remember some story about them faking their numbers, which is weird and maybe not true, but also—WHO KNOWS. The internet is a weird place. Whether this video has a zillion views or secretly just ten (five from Lil B and four from Young L and one from us), it doesn't matter. The cult of Lil B is in full effect. He's on our cover right now. With almost no help he's created an entire movement. It doesn't matter if you don't get it, sometimes we don't get it. By tomorrow he'll have released a mixtape and that mixtape will have someone's new favorite song. All that's left is for him to release like 650,000,000 more mixtapes, and then everyone ever will love Lil B. Normally we'd say it's impossible, but in this case we fully expect to wake up tomorrow and discover that he just achieved the goal that we created for him arbitrarily right now. Related: while we were sleeping and eating and then sleeping again over the holiday, Lil B managed to make two other videos and record some mixtapes. We are apparently not productive at all.

Video: Lil B, “I Cook”