How Do You Like the “Very Royal” Photoshop for Jay-Z and Kanye’s “H.A.M”?

January 07, 2011

It's nodding to black and white and crown jewels refinement, got kind of an OBEY designed hoodie you save for church vibe. The kaleidoscoped rottweilers might break the sophistication, but they're what we like best about the mandala definitely. Once upon a time Kanye said "H.A.M" would come out on New Years Eve, that the whole Watch the Throne album would be out like, now. Or in February? We've played out "Lost In The World" real hard so as eager as he is to circle up and talk the new stuff over even though we're way sick, hoping to spend the weekend in bed trying to absorb royal ideals from another queen. "H.A.M" come Tuesday!

How Do You Like the “Very Royal” Photoshop for Jay-Z and Kanye’s “H.A.M”?