Itemized: Popcaan’s “Unruly” Snapback
In which we wax poetically about our fave items in the fashion market.

Twice a month, a different FADER staff member will pick a clothing item or accessory that he or she has lately been spending a lot of time with—or would like to—and write a little love letter to it. We would’ve done a column on who we’re dating but that seemed a little bit much. This week, in honor of #selloff, Matthew Trammell talks Popcaan's "Unruly" snapback and what it says about growing up.
There comes a time in every young man’s life where he has to wear an all-black snapback. It’s become a streetwear staple on par with blue jeans: universal in its application, but nuanced enough that you still have to find the fit and wash that’s just right for you. I knocked around in a dusty white-on-black “New York” cap for two summers, and then decided I didn’t always want people reading letters on my forehead, so the search began for something more low-key.
Mixpak and Popcaan quietly released this “Unruly” snapback when his album dropped back in June. “Mi as a youth always love to do my own ting,” Popcaan explained in his FADER cover story. “Mi nuh like when people rule me, not even mi mother.” But despite this rebel streak, the “Unruly” cap is fairly conservative: the fluff embroidery skates across two crisp panels in a clean cursive, with a classic green bottom brim and subtle “Mixpak” hit on the back. It’ll sit well over any color, but I brilliantly decided to pair it with a black tee on an 80-degree afternoon anyway. What can I say, I always loved to do my own thing.