It’s a well-known fact at this point that Cardi B absolutely loves politics. She took AP Government in high school, and a lot of her social media is dedicated to discussion of policy, government, and the like. Her Instagram, particularly, is a hotbed of support for her favourite democratic politicians, including Ilhan Omar and Presidential candidate Bernie Sanders, the latter of whom has said many complimentary things about Cardi in the press over the past few months. (“She is really smart and she is deeply concerned about what is happening in this country,” he said on Kimmel.)
Now, Cardi has released a promotional video for the Bernie campaign in which she interviews him about wage laws and the minimum wage. The pair met at black-owned nail salon TEN a few weeks ago to film a series of interviews about Bernie’s policies; this is the first. Prefacing the video on IGTV, Cardi wrote “A couple of weeks ago I asked my followers if you all had the chance to ask a Democratic candidate a question, what would that question be? The topic that was mentioned the most by all of you was about raising MINIMUM WAGE. I got the chance to ask @berniesanders about this, and these are his answers.” Watch the video below.
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