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Sound Pellegrino Rainforest Frog Symphony Mixtape

July 16, 2009

Based on the people involved—Teki and Orgasmic of TTC/Institubes—and the sleeve work that's on some throwback Deutsche Grammophon shit, we basically had no choice but to put new label Sound Pellegrino on our watch list this year. Plus, they put out a record by Douster as their third release and we're pretty much obsessed with that dude right now (see future issues). Below is the newest mix by the label's founders under the moniker Thermal Team, which probably has something to do with coochie, if we know them like we think we do. It's awesome. Tracklist after the jump.

Download: Sound Pellegrino Team Thermal Rainforest Frog Symphony Mix (zshare)


Brodinski & Mumdance - Eurostarr (Zombie Disco Squad remix)
Delphic - Counterpoint (Renaissance Man remix)
Myd - Train to bamako
Dani L. Mebius - Petrelli (Dani L. His Percussion remix)
Style of Eye - grounded
Solo - MiniMood
Yolanda Be Cool - Afro Nuts (Douster remix)
Alvaro - Make it funky (DJ Punish remix)
Momma's boy - Give it up
L-VIS 1990 - Compass
DJ Master D - Mad drumz
Gucci Vump - Sha, Shtil!
Mom & Dad - The Whole Sh'Bang! (Havard Bass remix)
Hard House Banton - finger in my
La Bande A Basile - La Chenille (Douster Gwada remix)
Débruit - Congo Whoomp

Sound Pellegrino Rainforest Frog Symphony Mixtape