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Video: Schlacthofbronx f. Big Space & Spoek, “Too High”

May 17, 2010

Schlachthofbronx somehow found the the one carnival on earth that has a sparkly ride called Techno Power. Amazing. Of course it was located at last year's Oktoberfest in Munich, city of lights and unstoppable dance beats. Then they befriended the flashing-light sign guy and he put their name up on the big screen. Then they had a rave on the bumper cars and DJ'd the rides. Dudes this video is cool but next time you do this can we get some advance notice? Having a serious FOMO* attack right now, like we missed the best night of our lives because we didn't even know it was happening. Totally would have booked a flight to Munich!

*Fear Of Missing Out

Video: Schlacthofbronx f. Big Space & Spoek, “Too High”