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Stream: Woods, “Find Them Empty”

June 23, 2011

This is much heavier on the organ than we're used to from Woods. It gives the whole track an experimenting-with-drugs-for-the-first-time-because-actually-it's-the-1960s-and-a-lot-of-drugs-haven't-been-invented-yet vibe, but because frontman Jeremy Earl has never been content to emptily ape tropes from past decades of music, it's a lot heavier and more modern too. His ever-present falsetto belies a happiness in the lyrics that is absolutely not there. Bummer jams! "Find Them Empty" comes from a Woods 7-inch on Sacred Bones out July 19th that features two tracks that appear absolutely nowhere on Sun and Shade. Check out our feature on Woods in FADER #74, our newest issue, on stands right now.

Stream: Woods, "Find Them Empty"

Stream: Woods, “Find Them Empty”