This Video Perfectly Explains Why iLoveMakonnen’s “Tuesday” Is Brilliant

Let Chilly Gonzales crack an egg of musical knowledge over your head.

Photographer Mike Belleme
January 23, 2015

Have you found yourself listening to iLoveMakonnen's "Tuesday" on repeat? Of course you have—you're reading this site. What is it, exactly, that makes this song so appealing? Well, masterclass pianist-to-the-musician-stars Chilly Gonzales is here to explain it to you—that's right, the musical nuts and bolts of "Tuesday," like cracking open your brain and looking into it and figuring out why it enjoys what it enjoys. Fear not, nerd-averse types: Gonzales' explanation is thorough but easy to understand, and you get to hear some beautiful key-tickling while he does it, too. Watch the video above.

This Video Perfectly Explains Why iLoveMakonnen’s “Tuesday” Is Brilliant