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A Bronx Summer Stars In B.I.C’s “Everything Gucci”

The New York crew raises cups to the sky.

May 15, 2015

How it feel to know you just lost to a loser? Pete asks as "Everything Gucci" swerves to a close, and soon fifty Bronx deadbeats are mobbing in the street, Solo cups held high. Uptown summers in New York are a dreamscape of loud cars, long flags, white dominoes and black Hennessy, and BX natives B.I.C bring it to life in their latest video, premiering today. "'Everything Gucci' is a song about working past everyday struggle & always staying positive," the crew tells The FADER of the second single off their April release, Red. "The video is in memory of our little brother, Kyle 'Slime' Caraballo." Locals can catch the crew at The Flat in Brooklyn tonight.

A Bronx Summer Stars In B.I.C’s “Everything Gucci”