
Cherry Glazerr Crank Up The Heat On “Sip ‘O Poison”

The track is the second single in the 2015 Adult Swim series.

June 15, 2015

Cherry Glazerr turned in the second entry in the Adult Swim 2015 Singles series, and it’s a scorcher. Several of the songs on the band’s excellent Haxel Princess album were gentle and pleasantly meandering—see “Grilled Cheese”—but there’s nothing placid about “Sip ‘O Poison,” which starts with a wave of feedback and then bounds forward, full of fuzzy guitars and yelping, howled vocals. This track places a premium on economy: the whole thing barely lasts more than 90 seconds.

Stream or download Glazerr's new track below, and listen to the last Adult Swim single, D∆WN’s “Running From Sane,” here.