
Taylor Swift’s 1989 Will Be Available On Apple Music

The singer announced the news via Twitter today.

June 25, 2015

The story almost immediately became the stuff of legend: pop juggernaut Taylor Swift nobly spoke up on behalf of small indie labels worried about the imminent launch of Apple Music and the company's free, three-month trial period. Surprisingly, Apple, one of the few entities in this world with a wider reach than Swift, changed its tune and agreed to pay during those three months. It was a win-win-win—a huge corporation looked friendly to the little guys, the little guys endorsed Apple, and Swift got an epic New York Times headline: “With A Tap Of Taylor Swift’s Fingers, Apple Retreated.”


But the story doesn’t end there: Swift announced today on Twitter that she will make 1989 available on Apple Music. This is a coup for the service—you can’t hear 1989, the highest selling album of 2014, on Spotify. To celebrate, crank "Style" and learn how Apple Music may literally change the way songs sound.