Total Freedom Shares “Pepsi Song / Slave Song About Nothing”
A harrowing 4th of July non-anthem.

If your family's July 4th BBQ veers into a horrendous political discussion, plug Total Freedom's new track into your portable speakers. The GEN F alum's new track interpolates Rihanna's "American Oxygen" with Birdman's "What Happened To That Boy," two tracks you might find at your nearest America celebration. But mashed together with even more, seemingly arbitrary elements - Hi, Red Rat's "Tight Up Skirt!" - it becomes an anarchic meditation via plunderphonics on today's vacation. But your drunk uncle probably won't catch that as he tries to send his rant about the stars and bars over TF's bursts of samples and static. The track was uploaded to Sendspace, likely to get around Soundcloud's crackdown on unauthorized recordings. Grab it here.