
The Arlington Police Department Fired The Officer Who Shot Christian Taylor

The Arlington Police chief said officer Brad Miller “exercised poor judgment” that led to “cascading consequences.”

August 11, 2015

Last week, Christian Taylor, an Angelo State University football player, was shot and killed by Arlington police. Initial reports of the shooting seemed to suggest that Taylor and the police entered into a physical altercation before the fatal shot was delivered, but 911 calls immediately following the incident seem to contradict that claim. At a press conference today Arlington police chief Will Johnson said that the officer in question, rookie cop Brad Miller, would be terminated from the department.

Speaking to the Fort Worth Star-Telegram Johnson said, "Miller’s “unilateral decision to enter the building alone and to pursue [Christian Taylor] helped create an unrecoverable outcome."


This news comes as the one-year anniversary of the death of Michael Brown sparked protests in Ferguson, Missouri, where several notable activists were arrested. Read our feature on the aftermath of Ferguson here.

Posted: August 11, 2015