
Killer Mike Discusses Bernie Sanders And Race On Colbert

“If we don’t take this opportunity right now, we’re gonna be sitting around a campfire mad because they’ve nuked the world to hell.”

January 06, 2016

Killer Mike stopped by Colbert last night to talk race and politics. "If white people are just now discovering that it's bad for black or working class people in America, they're a lot more blind than I thought, and they're a lot more choosing to be ignorant than I thought," Mike told his host. "The same problems we're discussing today, we discussed in 1990, 1980, 1970, and 1960."


He presented Sanders as the one candidate supporting the policy recommendations of Martin Luther King. "Dr. King—in his last two years of life—talked about a poor people's campaign, organizing unions on behalf of poor workers, organizing against a war machine that was perpetuating violence in Vietnam," Mike explained. "Bernie Sanders is the only politician who has consistently for 50 years taken that social justice platform into politics. Right now we have the opportunity to elect someone who is directly out of the philosophy of King-ian non-violence. We can elect someone who cares about poor people, cares about women, gay and black rights, cares about lives that don't look like his. This opportunity in history is not going to come in another 20 years... if we don't take this opportunity right now, we're gonna be sitting around a campfire mad because they've nuked the world to hell."

Watch above, and read Killer Mike on the Confederate flag.