
Indica Tries To Stay Single On “She So Crazy”

“Change my number to my phone/ She still show up to my home.”

January 08, 2016

Words rapidly dissolve into misty clouds on "She So Crazy," a new track from the DC-born, L.A.-based singer/songwriter Indica. As the layers of vocals pile on top of each other, the original meaning becomes harder to discern, helping to drive home the miscommunication the singer describes: She said, 'what are we just friends/ I said, 'well that depends'/ Thought this was one night stand. Things get more extreme as the song progresses—Change my number to my phone/ She still show up to my home/ She said she won't leave me 'lone/ Restraining order on that hoe—but Indica's voice stays even and light throughout. Listen below.

Posted: January 08, 2016