
Samsung Reportedly Discussing Buying TIDAL

One source says the company is “working on something really big.”

February 26, 2016

The New York Post reports that Samsung “restarted talks” about acquiring TIDAL. “Samsung is re-engaging; they are working on something really big, and they’re keeping it very quiet in case it leaks,” a source told The Post.


Apparently Samsung is not the only company interested in Jay Z’s streaming service. Google and Spotify are reportedly both debating “smaller partnerships” with the platform. This is especially surprising for Spotify, which is one of TIDAL’s direct competitors. The Post suggests that the rival streaming service “has discussed creating an initiative that could produce a TIDAL ‘powered by Spotify’ partnership rather than an acquisition.”

Lately TIDAL has attracted attention for a pair of difficult album releases. Rihanna’s ANTI leaked early, while the rollout of Kanye West’s the Life Of Pablo has been messy and is still ongoing.


A spokesperson for Samsung told The Post, “it is our policy to not comment on rumors or speculation.” A representative for TIDAL was not immediately available for comment.