
Kool A.D.’s “Prove It” Could Be The Wildest Animated Video Of The Year


June 01, 2016

Perhaps you're still listening to O.K., the 100-track album Kool A.D. put out in November, and haven't yet reached "Prove It," clocking in at number 65. But you couldn't ask for a more apropos introduction to the Scoop DeVille-produced track and its avant-garde rapper than the music video, directed by Ronald Grandpey. A dog and a rabbit serve as memories for a human's past relationship, but he also places himself in the memories of his loved one as well. There's a bunch of bug creatures and suffocating vines, then a heist happens. It's useless to try and collapse such a vivid piece into a few tiny words, so I heartily encourage you to watch the entire thing above.