
Bill Maher Used Racial Slur During His Show

When is Bill Maher going to be canceled?

June 03, 2017

Bill Maher, who has famously used Islamophobic rhetoric in the past, and whose HBO show Real Time With Bill Maher has been the subject of controversy before, took being offensive one step further during his June 2 show.


While in an interview with Ben Sasse, a Nebraskan Senator, Maher dropped the n-word in mid conversation, using the slur while discussing farming in Nebraska.

"Work in the fields?" Maher said, adopting a southern accent and gesticulating. "Senator, I'm a house n*****."


The audience responded with hoops , hollers and laughter, and Ben Sasse said nothing in response, rather he just pursed his lips and looked a bit uncomfortable.

Everyone else was not quite as amused by his use of a racial slur inside of a joke about slavery, and many took to Twitter to criticize him.

The day after the episode aired, HBO released a statement condemning Maher's behavior to multiple outlets.


"Bill Maher’s comment last night was completely inexcusable and tasteless," HBO told People Magazine. "We are removing his deeply offensive comment from any subsequent airings of the show.”

The clip, as well as the responses can be seen and read below.

Posted: June 03, 2017