
The new Star Wars means Donald Glover has his own action figure now

Your chance to play with a mini Childish Gambino.

February 15, 2018

As the arrival of Solo: A Star Wars Story gets ever closer, Lego has unveiled its set released in conjunction with the movie. In short, this means we now have a Lego Donald Glover, who stars in the movie as a young Lando Calrissian.


Lego's Kessel Run Millennium Falcon set features 1,414 pieces and costs $169.99. If Lego isn't your thing, Hasbro has also released a new Lando action figure. Check out Lego and action figure Glover below.


Noted Star Wars super-fan Glover once said a Lando action figure was his first toy. “That was the very first,” he said. “I remember it like yesterday. My dad gave it to me. I had a Darth Vader one, too.”

Solo: A Star Wars Story hits theaters on May 25. Before that is the eagerly-anticipated second season of Glover's Atlanta on March 1. Watch the latest trailer for that here.