
Diddy once abandoned 112 in an Atlanta blizzard

“He rolls down the window and is just, like, ’I’ll holler at y’all.’ And he drives off.”

March 21, 2018

GQ continues its Diddy coverage with a list of tips on how to be just like Diddy, compiled by friends, family, and protégés. The many tips and insider stories reveal that the hardest working man in entertainment is not exactly easy to work for. In one story, members of Diddy's group 112 recall the time the mogul left them out in the cold, literally, during a blizzard.


"One night, we had been in the studio from 6 PM to 6 AM," recalls Mike Keith of 112. "Daron and myself had to go back to the apartment, because we were still in high school, and we had to get up and go to class. That day was a huge snowstorm, more than four kids from Atlanta had ever seen. As we’re leaving, Puff is leaving, too, in a Benz with chains on the tires and everything. He rolls down the window and is just, like, 'I’ll holler at y’all.' And he drives off. And we’re like, 'Motherfucker, how do WE get home?' [laughs]"

While the group admits that Diddy's snow-ready Benz wouldn't have held all five of them, they don't exactly fondly recall being left in the blizzard without a ride, with "big ol’ yellow coats on, walking like a bunch of penguins." Still, they believe it taught them a valuable lesson.


Read the full list of tips and stories here.