
Listen to Nylon Smile’s “Dust,” produced by Jay Som

The Angel of Doubt EP comes out in August on Citrus City Records.

June 14, 2018

Nylon Smile is the new alias of Nikolas Soelter, formerly of the Bay Area punk band Never Young. Today, The FADER is debuting "Dust," a warm, jangly track off of Nylon Smile's Jay Som-produced Angel of Doubt EP, out this August via Citrus City Records. It features gentle, emotive songwriting that somehow manages to retain urgency — a rare but transcendent combination of qualities.


"I met Melina [Jay Som] as a writer and musician in the Bay, and I think I actually wrote the very first piece on her album Turn Into," explained Nikolas. "The recording thing came about super casually, she was recording friends in the Bay and knew me and my music through Never Young, so we found some time and tracked everything in her bedroom. She moved to LA in December, and I ended up moving down here in March, which is when we finished mixing it."

Listen below.

Posted: June 14, 2018