
Watch five behind-the-scenes films for Donald Glover and Rihanna’s Guava Island

A new eight-minute film profiles the dancers of the Hiro Murai-directed film.

July 04, 2019

April saw the release of Guava Island, an Amazon Prime-exclusive film starring Donald Glover a.k.a. Childish Gambino and Rihanna. Directed by Hiro Murai, the film was shot in Cuba, and on Thursday Amazon shared a few short behind-the-scenes documentaries on the people, places, and sounds of Cuba that helped give the film its style. Check 'em out here. Even if you haven't seen the film, they're still educational and tender tributes.


Glover shared his thoughts on the Guava Island documentaries in a statement obtained by Complex. Read it below:

At its best (or maybe just its most accessible), art is ingenuity. I had the pleasure of experiencing this spirit of ‘making what you must with what you have’ collaborating with Cuba’s talented and abundant artists over the course of filming Guava Island. The artist’s endeavor has always been the manifesting of an idea, then forcing a society to recognize, or maybe just question, its value. These artists have not only inspired me to examine what we value on a day-to-day basis, but also to move with intention in the world with the childlike ingenuity that Cuba seems to offer every moment. I’m very proud to be able to share their stories with you.