Fans have been waiting for a new André 3000 project, whether solo or with his pioneering hip-hop act Outkast, for years. But in a new interview for the Broken Record podcast, the artist born André Benjamin told Rick Rubin that for personal reasons, he's been unable to get started on a new album. “I’d like to, but it’s just not coming,” he said.
"I haven't been making much music, man" Benjamin told Rubin around 13:35 into the podcast. "My focus is not there, my confidence is not there." Benjamin goes on to elaborate on how his massive success has actually hobbled his creative drive: "Once the attention is on that world, the world goes away."
The release of one-off solo songs and the occasional feature hasn't helped, either: "Any little thing I put out... people nitpick it with a fine-tooth comb. 'Oh, he said that word!' And that's not a great place to create from. And it makes you draw back."
If Benjamin does eventually return to sharing music, it may not be with a rap project. "I'm trying to find out what makes me feel the best right now. What makes me feel the best is when I do these random... instrumental kind of things. They make me feel the most rebellious."
Listen to the full interview here. André 3000's last full-length album Idlewild was released with Outkast in 2006.