
It’s Super Tuesday, and Lil Uzi Vert is taking votes on his Eternal Atake album cover

Could the project actually be dropping next week?

March 03, 2020

Last week, Lil Uzi Vert claimed his long-awaited new album Eternal Atake would drop in two weeks. It's far from the first time Uzi has set a release date, but on this occasion he's stood by the claim and accompanied it with a flurry of activity: we got the new single "That Way" on Sunday, and now Uzi has set up a Twitter poll asking fans to vote on the album's cover art.



You have just under a day to vote, but who knows if he'll actually use whatever you pick. If you want to try participating in a (hopefully) more transparent form of democracy today, vote for that special someone in today's Super Tuesday primaries across the United States.