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Video: Wayne Coyne Films Ariel Pink Singing “Round and Round”

November 19, 2010

Listening to "Round and Round" with these visuals makes us want to go somewhere sunny and dry. We would longboard down a long and very gradual hill, put purple butterfly barrettes in our way-long hair, eat a taco by a river, then dump a Miller High Life into a strawberry limeaid, chug that shit and talk to our gay best friend sentimentally on the phone for hours before calling the day shot. FADER #68 cover dude Ariel Pink toured with the Flaming Lips, maybe they did some of those kinds of activities. Wayne Coyne captured this performance (and breast milk, "that's what that is") on his iPhone. In-house Flaming Lips tripper George Salisbury tweaked the footage into this ripped-VHS grade video. He recommends you download the file from Vimeo so you can experience its proper resolution. We recommend not always showering and doing things that scare you.

Video: Wayne Coyne Films Ariel Pink Singing “Round and Round”