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El Guincho Returns With 25-Minute Mix

January 03, 2013

With a new, 25-minute mix, Pablo Díaz-Reixa bka El Guincho teases a possible 2013 album and emerges from a two-year siesta, a silence broken by only one Bjork remix. The mix is assembled from warmed-up snippets—13 minutes in, a bit of decipherable Bob Marley pops its head out, squealing I'll be waiting there!—but they're not layered in a swaddling blanket clump. Each vocal sample gets its share of repetition, pulsing forward like a dog with its tongue out. Great music to type to, and happy new year's news. For a refresher on El Guincho's breakout album Alegranza!, read Jace Clayton's 2008 FADER feature.

Stream: El Guincho's Trances Mix

El Guincho Returns With 25-Minute Mix