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Video: Teki Latex, “Dinosaurs with Guns”

April 20, 2010

We think this video for Teki Latex's new single is supposed to be ominous, warning us of the imminent dinosaur resurrection and subsequent revenge on humanity for taking over their lost earth (and other planets, too). But it just makes us want to have miniature Teki heads rotating around us at all times, like he is a hummingbird and we are Snow White. The Teki avatars could say absurd and genius things in both our ears at once, such as "INFINITE ENERGY (dinosaurs with guns)," and help us decide what to wear in the morning (he's an impeccable dresser, as proven in his style profile in FADER #66). Barring that, we are just going to marry this video. Best video of life!

Video: Teki Latex, “Dinosaurs with Guns”