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Twelve Dark Noons Could Be The Next Avatar If You Help Out

May 20, 2010

By now you might be familiar with director Jacqueline Castel, who has directed all sorts of moody videos we've written about on this site (personal favorites: Moon Duo's "Killing Time" and, um, all the Zola Jesus clips). She, along with Naked on the Vague and record labels Sacred Bones and Night People, have partnered to create the short film Twelve Dark Noons. The trailer doesn't really tell us much as far as plot points, but the overarching vibe seems to be SCARY AS FUCK BUT ALSO PROBABLY REALLY WELL SHOT. The point of all this, though, is that it's obviously a huge endeavor, which means that it costs a fair amount of money. So the whole crew has set up one of those Kickstarter pages where you get really awesome stuff for donating (aka you buy things and enjoy them and then all of a sudden a short film you helped bring to fruition exists). As it goes, the more money you donate, the more cool stuff you get. If you are for some reason apprehensive, listen to both Naked on the Vague's "Making Enemies" and Wet Hair's "In the Garden of the Pharaohs" below—both tracks come from the 12-inch exclusive to this project. If you're down, donate here.

Naked on the Vague, "Making Enemies"

Wet Hair, "In the Garden of the Pharoahs"

Twelve Dark Noons Could Be The Next Avatar If You Help Out