
Nicolas Jaar Released A New Album For Free

Download Pomegranates now.

June 25, 2015

Last night, Nicolar Jaar tweeted a link to a free download of a new album titled Pomegranates. The zip file contains a PDF explaining the origin of each track on the project. Though he ended up envisioning the music as a score to a 1969 Russian film, The Colour Of Pomegranates, he writes that he made most of it before encountering the movie: one song was a rejected beat for a rapper, one song was supposed to air on a TV show. By chance a friend turned Jaar onto The Colour Of Pomegranates, and the movie seemed to give a disparate group of songs an organizing principle.


"The film gave me a structure to follow and themes to stick to," Jaar writes. "It gave clarity to this music that was made mostly out of and through chaos. It also gave me the balls to put it out." The producer/composer has done work on several other film scores in a more official capacity, including one for a Jacques Audiard movie, Dheepan, that recently premiered at the Cannes film festival. Read FADER's profile of Jaar and download his latest below.