
Today’s FADER newsletter: shut the zuck up

Just a little list of things you should care about.

April 10, 2018

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Who else spent today switching between the Zuckerberg testimony and Bruce Springsteen live performances?? There's probably something to be said here about like, various representations America or some shit. Idk, I didn't go to grad school. Anyway, here's what's on the site today: good books, Three 6 Mafia preparing for the end of the world, cute skaters, and a buncha other good stuff. Let's dive in.


1. Everything old is new again. DJ Paul talked with us about the everlasting influence of Three 6 Mafia and how the sonic pendulum has swung back in the group's favor thanks in part to the "Who Run It" challenge. He also had a good story about recording When The Smoke Clears just before Y2K, when they thought the world might literally end. In other "Who Run It" challenge news, we rounded up our fave entries.

2. Everyone loves cults right now!! You know what else is cool? Reading. We combined those two facts into one place. Here's some books you might like if you already finished Wild Wild Country and don't feel like rewatching The Source Family.


3. Nicki Minaj is putting out new music this week. That's it. That's really all you need to know.

4. I promised you cute skaters and here are the cute skaters. But did you think the cute skaters were also gonna be designing cute clothes? They are. The brand is called Humble and it's really great. These guys are so rad we did a whole feature on 'em.

5. It's Tuesday so that means we have some songs you need. Obviously Cardi is on this list, but so are SOPHIE and Cuco and Girl In Red. Also featured are my two problematic faves: Drake and Azealia Banks.


For the record, watching this today made me lose an entire hour of productivity


Posted: April 10, 2018