
Right wing street artists launch #Kanye2024 campaign

“Keep America Great.”

April 24, 2018

Anonymous streets artists have claimed responsibility for a poster campaign in New York City, Chicago and Los Angeles promoting a 2024 Kanye West presidential campaign. See them above via Hypebeast. The posters contain an old Yeezus-era headshot of Kanye, the hashtag "#Kanye2024," and the phrase "Keep America Great," a reference to Donald Trump's campaign slogan.


In a statement to the far-right, conspiracy-pushing blog Gateway Pundit, the artists hailed Kanye's promotion of conservative activist Candace Owens as "a watershed moment for this country," and favorably compared him to the current President of the United States.

They wrote: "Donald Trump has proved to all Americans that clarity of vision and the ability to persuade are much stronger assets for a President than political experience. Kanye appears to get this more than anyone else out there."


As HypeBeast points out, Kanye posted a since-deleted tweet containing a photo of the posters and a thinking Emoji.

Kanye West stoked excitement and skepticism amongst fans in August 2015 when he announced his intention to run for president in 2020. However, since his approving Candace Owens tweet and claims by Hot 97's Ebro that Kanye said "I love Donald Trump," it appears some are seeing Kanye as Trump's heir to the presidency once term limits kick in.

Thumbnail photo by TIMOTHY A. CLARY/AFP/Getty Images