One of the most frustrating things about concerts by far is the amount of chatter that takes place during opening acts and watching how that affects the performing musicians. On Monday, Big Thief singer-songwriter Adrianne Lenker shared an Instagram video addressing the issue titled "Feelings re talking during openers and attention in general." In the four-minute clip, Lenker encourages her fans to be more present and less talkative during concerts.
"When music is happening in a room," Lenker begins, "and there's a performer onstage playing and doing their craft, when you enter into that space, try to be mindful of what's happening, and pay attention, and don't talk."
Lenker clarifies that she's not talking about a ban on talking at venues. "If you want to talk and greet people and socialize, you can totally do that, but when you do it in the room where a performance is going on, other people who are there to listen don't have any say at all in what's happening.
"Sometimes I have this feeling like, Lenker continues, "if only the room were quiet, this could just be so incredible." She concludes by asking the viewers for a bit more presence. "When you come into this space where music is happening, even if you're coming just to see a specific act play, be mindful if there is somebody performing and playing, to either listen or at least be quiet so that other people can listen, or go and put yourself elsewhere. I just think that, because it's a common space, people should be able to enjoy the full breadth of what the artist has to offer."
Good points all around! Watch the full video below via Exclaim!. Big Thief are currently on tour promoting their new album Dragon New Warm Mountain I Believe in You.