
Terence Nance announces debut album as Terence Etc, shares new song

V O R T E X is out on August 19 via Brainfeeder.

July 07, 2022

Terence Nance is the visionary director behind the Afrofuturist HBO series Random Acts of Flyness. He's also a musician, having scored his 2012 film An Oversimplification of Her Beauty and, in 2012 released his debut EP Things I Never Had as Terence Etc. Today, he announced his debut album V O R T E X , set to be released on August 9 on Brainfeeder, with a new single “In Contemplation of Clair’s Scent.”


Much like his work in television and film, "In Contemplation of Clair's Scent" is a celebration of Blackness through a confluence. The song's 10-minute version (it also arrives with a truncated three-minute edit) feels like an exhalation at a party's peak, bringing together jazz, rap, and soul for an empowering, ambitious vibe reminiscent of pre-Air Sault.

V O R T E X is a sonic tool that I made," Nance said in a press statement, "so that I can play it for myself and balance my energy between masculine and feminine; creative and destructive; domination and submission; right and left; sun and moon; day and night: opposing energies generally. The album intends to use sound, melody, song, incantation, etc. to rebalance the self and each other throughout the constant circular movement of life.”


Listen to "In Contemplation of Clair's Scent" below, followed by the album art and tracklist for V O R T E X.

V O R T E X tracklist

01. V O R T E X
02. Terence’s --- Love
03. In Contemplation of Clair’s Scent
04. Stay
05. Infinince or Infinity?
06. Dragon
07. I Miss Things I Never Had
08. Sanity Envy
09. A Moment of Disguise
10. The Merchant of Flatbush
11. (S)he Forgets