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El Guincho, “Bombay” MP3

Photographer Leonie Purchas
July 20, 2010

In March '08 we saw El Guincho perform at Union Pool. It was packed to the walls and all we could see was dude's 'fro bobbing up and down as he hit a wood block with a stick. It was pretty awesome. Since then he's been halfway off the grid, releasing new music for a bit and then disappearing from public consciousness almost entirely. In the past couple months he's been back in the game and "Bombay" is his newest single. This is totally tropical, totally catchy and it features steel drums (or at least something that sounds pretty close). Does anyone dislike steel drums? If you do, do you also hate fun? Just asking.

Download: El Guincho, "Bombay"

El Guincho, “Bombay” MP3